Ukrainian refugees: resources for professionals

It is estimated that over 800 Ukrainian refugees are due to, or have already moved to Buckinghamshire following the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust has run a number of free one-hour workshops open to all Bucks-based professionals across health, social care, education and the council.

You can watch one of the previous workshops below.


<u>Is there a brief questionnaire for PTSD for adults available as well as for children?</u>

No but the PCL-5 which measures PTSD is only 20 items.  This is available in English, Russian, Polish and Ukrainian.

Where can we find information on stress responses in Ukrainian?

Translated versions are available on the Mind website which is hosting resources

Are there any key questions that GPs can ask Ukrainian patients when they attend a surgery in order to assess any potential psychological needs?

This is very much about what the GPs are already doing with patients presenting with trauma – use the skills you already have, create a safe space to share concerns, build up a rapport, refer to some of the questions on PCL-5 if needed (e.g. about flashbacks, sleep etc.).  Be mindful the current situation is dynamic and the symptoms may appear at a later stage.  The depression and anxiety self assessment quiz may also be helpful Depression and anxiety self-assessment quiz – NHS (

What is available for host families?

Buckinghamshire Mind is delivering free trauma awareness training for host families. If you are a host family, please speak with your local Liaison Support Officer for more information.  There is also information available on the Mind website

Where can I find more information in supporting host families, refugees or professionals?


Oxford NHS Foundation Trust Services:
Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies


OHFT Trust Website

General information – Support for Host Families, Refugees and Professionals:
Community Impact Bucks

Bucks Mind

Sanctuary Foundation

Welcome Churches  or

Government Publications: 
Welcome: a guide for Ukrainians arriving in the UK

Homes for Ukraine: guidance for councils:

Homes for Ukraine: sponsor guidance

Homes for Ukraine scheme: frequently asked questions


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