I live in Milton Keynes

We check all referrals against our referral criteria.

If we think we can help you, we’ll send you a letter of acceptance.

If we don’t think we can support your needs, we’ll send you a letter explaining why, and may suggest an alternative service that we think may help.

Alternatively, you may find a dental practice near you at Find a dentist

Non-urgent advice: Dentists

Dental Professionals must use the online “Dental Referrals”.

Non-urgent advice: GPs and other Healthcare Professionals

Other Healthcare Professionals please use this Referral Form

Submitting a referral form

Completed forms can be returned to our referral team at:
Email: bpds.mk@nhs.net

Buckinghamshire Priority Dental Service,
Dental HQ,
Eaglestone Health Centre,
The Hospital Campus,
Standing Way,
Milton Keynes.

Tel: 01908 724677

Referral forms must be completed as fully as possible. Incomplete forms will be returned and may lead to delays.

Page last reviewed: 3 July, 2023