Getting support
Most of our referrals, regardless of what service you need will have come to us from your GP.
We accept some self-referrals into some of our specialist mental health services. However, you still need to be registered with a GP.
Finding support online
Many people find the internet a useful source of information and support. However, this information is not always accurate.
See the information leaflet from our Library Service. It’s titled Patient Information Guide (pdf). It explains how to find good quality health information on the internet.
What to expect when being referred to a service
We provide a thorough assessment and will then shape a package of care suited to your needs. Most of this treatment will be carried out in the community. It will either be at your home or in a local healthcare setting.
Sometimes, your illness may require inpatient treatment. We may admit you to one of our specialist mental health wards or one of the nine community hospitals in Oxfordshire.
Important: What to do in an emergency
If you or someone you know needs emergency treatment, please click the link below. It has details on how to access urgent support.
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