Sandford Ward

What we do

Sandford ward is an inpatient ward which assesses and treats men over the age of 65 who are experiencing severe mental health, and/or living with dementia. The ward has 14 individual bedrooms.

We aim to give our patients the best possible care on a 24-hour basis, offering individual care and treatment working both with patients and carers to promote your recovery.

We will work together with you to promote your dignity and choice in the planning and implementation of your care and treatment.

Our team

On the ward we have a large staff team to support your needs including:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Psychologists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Pharmacists
  • A social worker


Sandford ward uses the ‘I Want Great Care’ website to collect and monitor feedback from our patients, their families and friends.

If you would like to provide some anonymous feedback please ask a member of staff for a copy of the questionnaire or follow the link above.

We will spend time considering your feedback and how any changes can be implemented to improve the ward.

Useful information

  • At least two sets of day clothes
  • Outdoor shoes
  • Nightwear and slippers
  • Toiletries (razorblades will be kept safely by staff)
  • Comb
  • Coat
  • Underwear

You may also like to bring any small photos or keepsakes to help you feel more comfortable during your stay.

Please remember to label all items. If you have not, staff can help you with this.

If you did not have time to pack everything you needed before coming into hospital, please speak to one of the nurses who will be able to help you with some of these items until someone is able to bring in your own belongings.

We want to keep our ward a safe environment for all our patients and staff and therefore there are some items which we cannot allow to be bought onto our inpatient ward.

These include:

  • Alcohol
  • Illicit drugs – they will be removed, disposed of and the police may be informed
  • Tobacco
  • Plastic bags
  • Glass bottles
  • Cameras
  • Expensive jewellery and other valuables or more money than you need for routine purchases
  • Electrical items including televisions, stereo systems and computer equipment

Mobile phones are allowed on Sandford ward: please speak to a nursing staff member for recommendations on their use and privacy considerations.

Other items considered hazardous to you or others will be stored safely, at staff discretion.

We do not have set visiting hours, but we do ask that visitors avoid protected therapeutic time and meal times. Visitors may only visit during these times if it is within the patient’s care plan.

Our meal times are:

  • Breakfast 7:30am to 10.00am
  • Lunch 12.00pm to 1.00 pm
  • Dinner 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Protected therapeutic time:

Tuesday & Friday 9.00am – 11.00am

Visitors are welcome to join patients in the lounge or if preferred, we also have some quieter spaces to spend time together.

If you would like children under the age of 16 to visit with an appropriate adult, please contact the ward in advance and we can establish an appropriate space for you to meet.

Fulbrook Centre
Churchill Hospital

If you would like more information about any of the above, please take a look at our ward leaflet.

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