Informing research participants of study progress and results
“Research is of no use unless it gets to the people who need to use it.” – Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Advisor to the UK government.
This toolkit is for researchers of Oxford Health sponsored studies.
Many research participants have highlighted the importance of keeping participants updated with a study’s progress and results.
- The NIHR’s 2022-2023 PRES Executive Summary highlighted that 87% of participants agreed that they had been kept updated about the research, and 87% said yes to knowing how they will receive the results of the research.
- Locally, this compares to 67.8% of participants who said they had been kept updated about the research and 69.5% of participants who said they knew how they would receive the results of the research (NIHR TVSM CRN PRES 2022/2023 Report).
- Participants reported that knowing when the research will be published and more information on the study findings could improve their experiences of research. This page suggests ways that researchers can keep participants informed.
This toolkit includes internal resources and publicly available external resources, which have been included with the organisations’ approvals. We hope they will be helpful.
We hope this information is useful to you. If you have any feedback or if you know other useful tools that can be used to disseminate study findings, we would love to hear from you, please contact:
Jemima Littlejohns, OHFT Research Training and Development Manager.
Page last reviewed: 26 February, 2025