
Who can refer?

We will accept direct referrals from any professionals including:

  • Mental health professionals
  • Social workers
  • Midwives
  • Health visitors
  • Family Nurse Partnership
  • Women’s Aid
  • Drug and Alcohol Services
  • Child and family workers
  • Support workers
  • GPs

Self-Referral: Parents can also refer themselves via phone or email.

Phone: 01865 901 166


Referral criteria

  • An unborn baby or child up to two years who is subject to a Child protection plan or pre-court proceedings (PLO). The child’s case is open to Buckinghamshire Children’s services.
  • There may be a concern about parenting ability. This could be due to domestic abuse. It could also be due to mental illness. This could be diagnosed or undiagnosed. It could also be due to substance misuse. This could be current or historical. It could be due to concerns for neglect or abuse.
  • A parent may have had previous children removed from their care and are pregnant again or caring for a younger child.
  • The parent may have a history of abuse in their childhood. They may also have trauma and worry that abuse will happen again in the family.
  • There may be a worry about the parents’ ability to meet their child’s emotional needs or bond with them. This worry is due to unresolved loss, trauma, and the other risk factors above.
  • If a case goes into care proceedings, Reconnect will close the case at this point and signpost to other services to support the parent’s’ mental health.

How to refer

Send a completed referral form to

Note that we only check the referrals email inbox between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. We do not check it on Bank Holidays.

We hold a team meeting every Monday. If we need to discuss a referral before accepting it, we will contact you after this meeting.


Please call the ReConnect Duty Clinician on 01865 901 166 if you want a consultation. You can also call if you want to discuss a referral or its outcome.

We are not an emergency service.

If you have concerns for an adult or child that is in immediate danger, contact 111 or 999.

You can also contact Buckinghamshire Children’s Services or the emergency duty service.

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