Useful links

We have identified some of our favourite websites which are a good source of information on a wide range of topics. In addition to this, we have included links to a range of services in Oxfordshire who work with young people.

General health and well-being information
  • Search by topic for NHS guidance for managing any condition.
  • Healthy lifestyle guidance NHS Live Well.
  • Healthy eating information is available from The Eatwell Guide or Eat Well, 5 a Day.
  • OXME is the highly recommended Oxfordshire young person’s website with lots of local information about health, learning, training and activities.
  • Leaflet containing links to resources for supporting health and wellbeing, Birth to 12 and Teens.
Local services
  • Oxfordshire County Council Family Information Directory has information about activities and support for Oxfordshire families, including those with special needs.
  • Oxfordshire Health Visitors work with parents and carers of children under five, offering support and evidence-based advice, developmental checks, and wide-ranging health promotion e.g. accident prevention, nutrition, sleep, and toileting issues.
  • For support or advice, please use the Health Visiting messaging service, Chat Health, Parentline (0-4 years) 07312 263 081.
  • Oxfordshire School & College Nurses are based in all mainstream state secondary schools and offer confidential health assessments, one to one support and health promotion activities for young people. Targeted support is available for children in primary schools.
  • If you are a parent/carer of a child aged between 5-11 years who attends a state school or is home educated, please text our messaging service, Chat Health using our Parent Line 07312 263227.  Young people aged 11-19 who are home educated can contact school nurses through our Chat Health on 07312 263 084.
Emotional wellbeing and sleep
  • ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) & ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • The National Autistic Society is a charity supporting children on the autistic spectrum.
  • Autism Family Support provide information about services available to families in Oxfordshire.
  • Oxfordshire CAMHS have a range of resources to support neuro diverse children on eating, self-harm, school refusal and sleep ASD Support, Eating issues video.
  • The Royal College of Psychiatrists has guidance for Parents & Carers supporting young people with ADHD  further information is available from Camhs ADHD support.
Common childhood illnesses
  • Oxfordshire Child Health Leaflet has guidance on managing common health conditions for children under five, and Healthier Together has information on common illness effecting children up to eighteen.
  • Search online NHS  guidance for any condition, symptom, and treatment or get medical advice by phone from NHS 111.
  • A common temporary cause of hearing loss is Glue Ear. 
Sexual health and relationships
  • Contraception can be accessed from your Family Doctor (GP), School or College Nurse (Oxfordshire secondary schools and colleges only), Sexual Health Clinic, some Youth workers or via contact or telephone 07769 235 149 Monday to Friday 8am-4pm
  • Oxfordshire Sexual Health Guide to clinic opening times, locations and choices for contraception and sexual health screening services.
  • Get to know your Body Guidance on puberty, sexuality and body changes.
  • Family Planning Association  guidance on all contraceptive choices.
  • A guide to sexual well-being, STIs and contraception is available at Sexwise.
  • Whatever your gender or sexuality, information about your body is available at
  • Topaz is an LGBTQI+ youth group which runs in Oxfordshire. It supports young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, unsure or questioning. Find out more about Topaz here.
  • Mermaids supports transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children, young people and their families.
Drug and alcohol support
  • Aquarius are based in Oxfordshire and are a specialist service for young people using substances or have been impacted by others drugs or alcohol use.
  • Friendly, confidential drug advise is available from Talk to Frank They also have a wide range of educational resources.
  • The UK Childhood Immunisations schedule is recommended for all children and young people.
  • If a child or young person has incomplete or uncertain immunisation schedule their GP or Oxford Health school-based Immunisation team will be able to offer an appointment for outstanding immunisations.
  • Some children are at high risk of developing specific infections and may be advised to have additional immunisations e.g. Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C.
Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplements are recommended for all children until age 5, once formula milk is less than 500 ml/day (usually around the age of one).  Further guidance is available at Vitamins and minerals – Vitamin D

Stop smoking support

Free support is available in Oxfordshire to help young people to stop smoking or to make a ‘Quit’ attempt Stop Smoking For Life.


Self-examinations of breasts or testicles are an important way for early identification of ‘lumps and bumps’ which may be an early sign of illness. Find out how to complete checks at NHS Guidance to self check testicles , Oddballs Guide to checking testicles  or NHS guidance to self check breasts

Staying safe
  • Information about staying safe at home, school, or online is available at, NSPCC keeping children safe . Childline are an excellent source for providing counselling, help and support for all young people.
  • Online safety guidance is available to educate and protecting young people to stay safe online.
  • Practical, educational, emotional and social support is available for Young Carers living in Oxfordshire.

If you discover any links that are not working or would like to recommend resources, you think other families may find useful please let us know at

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