Meeting papers
22 July 2020
The Trust has taken the decision not to hold a Board meeting in public due to COVID-19, in order to protect the health of Board members, Governors, staff, Trust members, the public, and all those who would normally attend a meeting in public.
However, the papers which would usually have been made public are provided below and Trust Chair, David Walker, has provided a public briefing on the meeting which can be viewed here
- 00_BOD_Agenda_July 2020 v.6
- 40(i)_BOD_Minutes 10 June 2020_v.2
- 40(ii)_BOD_Summary of Actions_10 June 2020
- 41_BOD_Chief Executive’s Report_Jul2020_final
- 42_BOD_Board Performance Report – June 2020
- 43_BOD_HR Report Commentary – June 2020 report for July Board meeting
- 44_BOD_Inpatients-Safer-Staffing-Board-Report-July 2020
- 45_BOD_Quality Commitee update for Board July 2020
- 46_BOD_Community Involvement Board Report – March 2020
- 47_BOD_Finance Report FY21 M3 v2
- 48_BOD_Legal Regulatory update_Jul20 v.1.1
- RR_App_01(i)_Directors Interests Coversheet July 2020 v.4
- RR_App_01(ii)_Register_Directors_Interests_15 July 2020 v.5
- RR_App_03_QC_IPC Board Assurance Framework final v4
- RR_App_04_QC_OH DIPC annual report 2019-20
- RR_App_05_QC_Annual Complaints Report 19’20 Final
- RR_App_06_Legal Regulatory update Appendix_Jul20 v.1.0
- RR_App_07_Sealing Register July 2020 v.2
- RR_App_08_Gifts Hospitality Register_ from January to July 2020 v.2
- RR_App_09_FIC_ 12 May 2020 minutes_v.2
- RR_App_10_QC_Quality Committee minutes_13 May 2020_v.2 (002)
- RR_App_11_Audit Committee Minutes_19 May 20 v.1a
- RR_App_12_MHA_Committee Minutes 200520
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