1:1 chat time
What is 1:1 chat time?
Quality time.
It means taking the time to stop and chat, by using a person’s preferred means of communication.
1:1 chat time is informal and unstructured.
Forms of communication used in 1:1 chat could be: Body language | Eye contact | Gesture | Stance | Nearness
Some people will only use one of the above forms to communicate.
Remember that even behaviour you find challenging is a form of communication.
Where is 1:1 chat time used?
Good 1:1 chat times might be at bath time, bed time, or anytime during the day in an environment that suits an individual; for example, maybe in a quieter place.
It doesn’t have to be a blocked out time in the working day.
Why is 1:1 chat time useful?
It lets people know they are valued and that their thoughts and ideas are encouraged. By using a Total Communication approach they are able to communicate those ideas.
It is a good time for encouraging other forms of communication, and for getting to know someone.
Where can I learn more about 1:1 chat time?
Read our Total Communication Minimum Standards
Speak to your local Speech and Language Therapist for ways of prioritising 1:1 time.
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