For veterans, fireworks can be a trigger; here are some techniques you can use.

For veterans, fireworks can be a trigger; here are some techniques you can use.

We know that for those who have served in the armed forces, fireworks can be a significant trigger. If you are affected by this on New Year’s Eve, try these grounding techniques to help stay in the present moment when your brain is trying to pull you back into past traumas.

Notice your surroundings using the 5-4-3-2-1 technique

What are 5 things you can see (focus on the details)?

What are 4 things you can feel or touch (notice the sensations)?

What are 3 things you can hear (pay attention to the sounds)?

What are 2 things you can smell (and smell them!)?

What is 1 thing you can taste (try eating something such as strong mints or gum) and focus on the how it tastes)?


Consider combining this exercise with movement or getting outside, for example, while going for a walk or doing tasks around the house such as cooking or cleaning.


Notice differences between ‘then’ and now’

Try noticing the similarities and differences between the memory that’s been triggered and what’s happening in the present moment. This can help break the connection between past trauma and day to day reminders.


Try asking yourself the following questions:  

What was I doing then?          What am I doing now?

What could I see then?           What can I see now?

What was I wearing then?     What am I wearing now?

Who was I with then?              Who am I with now?

What could I hear then?         What can I hear now?

What could I smell then?      What can I smell now?


Try this short breathing exercise:

Headspace | Mini meditation | Breathe – YouTube

If you need further support and can find the courage to reach out, make a self-referral at NHS Oxfordshire Talking Therapies – for anxiety and depressionNHS Oxfordshire Talking Therapies




Published: 30 December 2024