Who is eligible to be referred to your service?

Adults aged 18-65 with a GP in Oxfordshire who experience significant symptoms of ADHD and significant impairment to their daily functioning. 

Almost all our referrals are made by a patient’s GP (or another NHS healthcare professional). We do not accept self-referrals. 

Please see our ‘Referrals’ page on this website for more information. 

What services do you provide?

We currently see patients for a diagnostic assessment and initial titration of medication where applicable.  

We also see patients for a ‘Post Diagnostic Consultation’. This is for patients previously diagnosed with ADHD who require a clinical appointment specifically for a change in their treatment or a review of their diagnosis.  

We are not commissioned to provide on-going prescribing or annual medical reviews (see more information in the ‘Do you offer on-going prescriptions and annual reviews?’ FAQ below). 

Why are you paused to new referrals at present?

We have taken the difficult decision to pause to all new referrals so we can focus solely upon seeing patients for assessment and treatment. 

Due to the unprecedented number of referrals we receive each month as a small team, we spend a significant amount time processing new referrals and responding to existing referral queries, which results in less time seeing patients. 

This decision has been made with our commissioners (BOB ICB – Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board) and the senior executive team of the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. This situation is under regular review.

Where am I on the waiting list?

Sadly, we have a long waiting list.  

As of December 2024, we are booking new assessments for patients referred in September 2021. Since 2021, we have received approximately 4 times more referrals/month than we have had the capacity to see, so our waiting times have continued to grow month on month. 

We do not provide individual waiting list timeframes, as there are several factors which are not possible to accurately predict (and which means your timeframe might change). We appreciate this is frustrating news. 

What support can I access whilst I'm waiting?

Please see our ‘Resources’ page on this website for different forms of support which you may find useful.

If you are experiencing significant difficulties with your mental health, you should seek support via your GP or via the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire NHS 24/07 mental health helpline via 111. 

Do you provide on-going prescriptions and annual reviews?

We are not commissioned to provide on-going monitoring or specialist annual reviews of ADHD medication. In Oxfordshire at present, on-going monitoring is often carried out by your GP under a ‘Shared Care Agreement’. However, some Oxfordshire GP surgeries have recently decided not to enter into a Share Care Agreement with our service as they have concluded it is unsafe for them to prescribe with no service commissioned to carry out the required specialist annual reviews. As such, they have decided not to provide on-going prescriptions of adult ADHD medication until specialist annual reviews are commissioned by the NHS in Oxfordshire. This matter is being urgently discussed with the body which commissions and funds all NHS services in Oxfordshire – BOB ICB (Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board), and we hope there will be a resolution soon.

As a service, we are commissioned to offer a diagnostic assessment and initial titration of medication (where applicable) to adults aged 18-65. 

We also provide a ‘Post Diagnostic Consultation’. This is for patients previously diagnosed with ADHD who require a clinical review specifically for a change in their treatment or a review of their diagnosis. 

Page last reviewed: 5 December, 2024