Dr Kevin Meares

Kevin is a consultant clinical psychologist. He completed his doctoral training in clinical psychology in 1997 and his Diploma in cognitive therapy in 2000. He worked within a specialist tertiary level CBT Centre for 21 years where he developed a special interest in PTSD and trauma. More recently he worked in staff wellbeing. Kevin is an experienced supervisor and trainer. Together with Professor Mark Freeston he co-authored the self-help book Overcoming Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

Kevin is an accredited BABCP trainer, supervisor, and therapist. He is also an EMDR Consultant and is part-trained in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.

Self-help books
  • Meares, K., & Freeston, M. (2015). Overcoming Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder (2nd edition). London, UK: Little Brown Book Group

Page last reviewed: 7 March, 2025