Dr Anne Garland

Consultant Psychotherapist

Dr Anne Garland is the lead for depression at OHSPIC and OCTC. Anne is a mental health nurse by profession, trained in behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy. Anne has over 30 years of experience of working clinically using CBT and has specialised in treating persistent, treatment resistant depression for the last twenty years.

Anne has a national and international reputation as a CBT trainer with a focus on fundamental CBT skills, CBT for depression and complexity, formulation, and clinical supervision.

Anne established the University of Manchester and University of Nottingham postgraduate diploma/MSc in CBT and contributes to a number of IAPT high intensity training courses and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology courses.

Anne has been involved both as a collaborator and grant holder in funded RCT’s testing the clinical and cost effectiveness of CBT in the treatment of depression, and in 2009 established the Nottingham Specialist Depression Service.

This is a unique service within England offering NICE recommended pharmacological and psychological treatments for persistent, treatment resistant depression within a collaborative care model.

Anne has published widely in the field of depression and CBT. Anne is also trained in MBCT and Compassion Focused Therapy. She has a clinical and academic interest in the role of shame and self-criticism in depression.

Anne is a past president of the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) and is chair of the Practitioner Accreditation Committee of the BABCP.


Let’s Talk About CBT – BABCP Podcast Talking About CBT for Depression (2021)

Selected publications
  • Thomson, L., Barker, M., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Garland, A., Ramana, R., Morriss, R., Hammond, E., Hopkins, G. and Simpson, S. (2018). How is a specialist depression service effective for persistent moderate to severe depressive disorder? A qualitative study of service user experience. BMC Psychiatry, 18 (1) 194.
  • Morriss, R., Garland, A., Nixon, N., Boliang Guo., James, M., Kaylor-Hughes., C., Moore, R., Ramana, A., Sampson, C., Sweeney, T. and Dalgleish, T. (2016). The Efficacy and cost effectiveness of a specialist depression service versus specialist mental healthcare to manage persistent depression: a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3 (9): pp. 821-831.
  • Garland, A. (2016). Case Formulation in Depression in N. Tarrier and J. Johnson (Eds.) Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: The Treatment of Challenging and Complex Cases (2nd Edition). Routledge, Hove, East Sussex.
  • Moore, R. and Garland A. (2003). Cognitive Therapy for Chronic and Persistent Depression. Wiley, Chichester.

Page last reviewed: 7 March, 2025