Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

What is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterised by the experience of recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges or images that are perceived as intrusive and unwanted (obsessions). These intrusions are difficult or impossible to ignore due to what the individual believes about their thoughts.

People with OCD develop their own appraisals of these thoughts, that in some way the thoughts signal danger (e.g., that something bad is going to happen) or say something bad about the person experiencing them (e.g., that they are dangerous, irresponsible, or bad in some way), which results in anxiety and distress.

Therefore, they believe they must do something to reduce the likelihood of something bad happening, engaging in repetitive behaviours, mental acts, or excessive avoidance designed to reduce or prevent the feared consequences (compulsions).

Many people who suffer with OCD recognise that these behaviours are excessive but often there is such doubt, uncertainty and perceived risk associated with reducing routines that they feel compelled to repeat them to completion.

For some individuals with OCD, including some young people, some people who are neurodivergent, or people who have lived with OCD for a long time, intrusive thoughts may not be so clearly articulated and the reason for engaging in compulsive routines may be described as an urge to make things feel right.

At greater levels of severity, OCD can have a significant impact on the individual and their families, resulting in an inability to achieve day to day tasks, or live independently.

People who experience OCD may also experience depression and/or other anxiety disorders. There are also high rates of co-morbidity with repetitive disorders including Tics, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

OCD is estimated to affect between 1 and 4% of the population.

Can treatment help?

The evidence-based psychological treatment for OCD is individual Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), including Exposure with Response Prevention (ERP) completed with a therapist.

Whilst treatment can be highly effective for some people with OCD, beliefs and compulsions can become particularly entrenched, requiring an intensive course CBT with a greater number of home-based sessions.

Assessment at OHSPIC

An assessment at OHSPIC will include use of standardised questionnaires to assess the severity of the problem, how it impacts on daily life, what thoughts and beliefs are associated with the problem, and an assessment of other difficulties.


CBT at OHSPIC includes:

  • Establishing a strong, collaborative relationship between the person experiencing health anxiety and the therapist.
  • Developing a shared understanding of the problem.
  • Collaboratively establishing goals for treatment.
  • Exploration of beliefs about the nature and content of intrusive thoughts.
  • Working on developing alternative, less threatening beliefs about the intrusions and the perceived responsibility for preventing or un-doing negative events.
  • Approaching avoided or difficult situations and finding out what happens when not engaging in the usual behaviours. This will typically involve joint tasks completed with the therapist outside of the clinic, including at home.
  • Planning how to maintain progress and work towards longer term goals.

Non-urgent advice: Linking with local services

OHPSIC will liaise with local teams to ensure that the work on overcoming OCD can successfully continue, including offering joint work and supervision as necessary.

Home visits or out of office sessions will be included and encouraged as part of joint work with local teams.

Page last reviewed: 6 April, 2023