Feeling anxious about our health is something we all experience from time to time. This is usually resolved quickly after seeking appropriate advice.
However, health anxiety is characterised by a constant worry about health, with difficulty ignoring thoughts or doubts about illness and a strong belief that developing a serious physical illness is likely, and that the consequences of being physically ill will be severe and unmanageable.
Due to the intense worries about health, people may ask for reassurance from medical professionals, family and friends, and online, and frequently check themselves for physical symptoms.
Despite this, people can remain convinced that they are seriously ill and that medical professionals have missed something. This focus on the worries and any physical symptoms can generate more worries and maintain a focus on ill health.
People experiencing health anxiety may have had their concerns dismissed by others or may have had the experience of a medical problem being misdiagnosed or missed.
Sometimes people are so anxious about their health that they avoid routine screening or specialist health appointments. Health anxiety can have a severe impact on people’s lives and can often affect day to day life in subtle but significant ways.
Health anxiety is estimated to affect 0.2-8% of the population. In the past this problem has been referred to as hypochondriasis.