Level 1 training

Level 1 is a 30 minute online, general introduction into Quality Improvement and will be mandatory for all staff and a requirement for the Corporate Induction for new starters.

This course helps the delegate to understand the basic principles of QI within healthcare and the processes we use in our trust.

The training will give examples of some of the processes, tools and methods that we use in the trust to bring about lasting improvements.


  • To have a basic understanding of what Quality Improvement (QI) is within healthcare
  • To understand the basic principles of the QI approach and how it used at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • To know how to get involved with QI at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • To know how to get involved with QI at Oxford Health and how to find out more information about QI work being done in a particular directorate/service

We encourage patients, carers and family members involved in QI to complete the training.

If you are external to Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and would like a certificate, please send a screen shot to oxfordhealthcareimprovement@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk


Page last reviewed: 24 January, 2025