Current courses

Update 11/03/2021: Training programme currently paused due to strategic review. Please contact our team if you have any training needs or queries at this time.

Frontline Improvement

The Improvement for Frontline Staff Course runs over 6 months, each course is based and delivered within a region of care (Wiltshire, Buckinghamshire or Oxfordshire).

The course is designed for staff from any profession at any level of education who want to set up a local improvement project.

Teaching consists of five days over six months with additional time scheduled in between to work on their chosen improvement project.

We are currently advertising for the Buckinghamshire course starting in March 2020 and Oxfordshire cohort will begin in Autumn 2020.

“The Frontline Improvement Course has given me the chance to think outside of the box and has been a great way to involve teams in making changes.” Student, Frontline Wiltshire Cohort 1 19/20

Leading Quality Improvement

This advanced course requires a commitment of four days a month overall over one year, consisting of two days teaching and two days project work.

The course offers personal supervision, a deeper study of improvement and leadership of a substantial quality improvement project (for Band 6 and above).

They will learn skills in quality improvement methodology, improvement science, leadership, research, clinical systems and patient safety.

“Being at the Oxford Healthcare Improvement Centre has been a steep learning curve. It has been good to work on my own Improvement project, and to learn about quality improvement on the way.” Student, LQI Cohort 1 18/19

NHS Elect Webinars and Seminars

As a member organisation for NHS Elect all staff within Oxford Health have access to a range of development opportunities within the platform.

This includes:

Useful resources
Quality Improvement training

This is a free resource and in order to access you must register on the NHS Elect website.

Page last reviewed: 27 September, 2021