Witney pop-up vaccination clinic boosts uptake

A pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Witney provided nearly 5,000 doses in the ten days it was open.

Image related to Witney pop-up vaccination clinic boosts uptake

Volunteers joined staff from Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and West Oxfordshire District Council to deliver 4,887 first, second and booster jabs at the clinic.

Anita Sherwood, Oxford Health’s interim Director of Covid Operations, said: “The return of the pop-up clinic has clearly been a great success and made an important contribution to keeping the people of west Oxfordshire and their loved ones safe.

“I want to thank all those involved in managing the clinic and providing the vaccinations. This has been a great effort by both NHS and local authority staff and volunteers. The reintroduction of some restrictions this week has reminded us that being double vaccinated and receiving booster shots when invited is the best way to prevent the spread of the virus.”

The clinic opened on November 26 and shut up shop yesterday. It was the second time that the partners have joined together to provide a convenient site in Welch Way for people working or shopping in the town centre.

The NHS has worked with the local authority to provide several pop-up vaccination clinics during 2020 – all of which have proved popular.

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Published: 9 December 2021