Visitor restrictions eased at Oxford Health

In line with other NHS organisations, Oxford Health has eased the previous Rule of One arrangements in favour of allowing patients two visitors per day.

Image related to Visitor restrictions eased at Oxford Health

The guidance and principles are as follows:

Anyone feeling unwell should not visit.

Anyone showing any symptoms of COVID-19 should not visit.

Visiting is limited to two visitors per patient.

Visit are for as long as is acceptable to the ward.

All visitors must continue to maintain safe distancing from staff and each other.

All visitors must wear Fluid Resistant Surgical Masks (FRSM) throughout the visit which the ward will provide, including when entering and moving through the healthcare setting, unless medically exempt for which evidence should be provided.

Patients may have more than two visitors when meeting in the ward garden though this needs to be coordinated with families to ensure equitable access to all patients and adherence to safe social distancing.

Visits by children are preferred to take place in garden space/outside though may be permitted inside if no alternative.

Children can be accommodated at wards discretion and should be kept under control by parents at all times.

All visitors will be expected to wash their hands/use alcohol gel upon entry and leaving the ward area.

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Published: 18 March 2022