No. 028.06 9 March 2006
Support for people caring for someone with a mental health problem
Families and friends of people with mental health problems will be supporting each other at the Family and Friends Day ‘Keeping your head above water – recovery for carers’ on Thursday 16 March, Aston Clinton.
The day conference aims to support carers in Buckinghamshire on their road to recovery and to provide some light relief on the day itself.
Caring for someone with a severe mental health problem can be a lonely experience and this day provides a valuable opportunity to hear from people in similar circumstances, share ideas and make friends.
The programme includes guest speakers, testimonies from carers, news from other regions and information about what is available locally. Talks and discussions will be interspersed with opportunities for relaxation and a bit of fun.
The event is run by carers and supported by Buckinghamshire Mental Health Trust. For details about the conference, please contact Joy Jannetta, Carer Support Manager, on 01296 504627, or e-mail
Further information
Eleanor Harwood
Communications Manager
Buckinghamshire Shared Services
01296 504772 / 01296 310041
If Eleanor is unavailable, please contact Joy Jannetta as above.
Published: 9 March 2006