September’s Exceptional People Award goes to Rachel

Winning September’s Exceptional People Award was a pleasant surprise for clinical psychologist Rachel Leeke, Oxford Health’s final selection for the summer.

Image related to September’s Exceptional People Award goes to Rachel

Winning September’s Exceptional People Award was a pleasant surprise for clinical psychologist Rachel Leeke, Oxford Health’s final selection for the summer.

Rachel, who is a consultant with the CAMHS team in Salisbury, has been described as a supportive, dedicated worker with a giving nature.

In addition to her regular caseload, Rachel has gone above and beyond during a recent staff shortage to ensure patients have received exceptional care, providing additional support for staff and patients alike.

Alexandra Newman, who nominated Rachel for the award, said: “Rachel has always demonstrated an attitude of inclusion for all members of staff and will consider the demands on the team in the face of pressure.

“Her warm, empathic and approachable personality has fostered strong working relationships. She holds the team together by remaining calm and professional and will make time for others by putting staff and patients’ needs above her own.”

Upon learning of her award, Rachel said: “I’m touched that someone took the time to nominate me. My favourite part of the job is working directly with the young people we see, getting to understand what is going on for them and helping them.”

Rachel will receive a certificate and our thanks for her valued service to the trust and its patients.

Every month we recognise and reward a member of staff that has made a real difference to the trust, our people and our patients. Nominations are welcome from staff, service users, patients, or friends and family of service users and patients. If you would like to nominate someone exceptional you can download a form here.

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Published: 20 September 2018