Raising Awareness of Safeguarding in Buckinghamshire

Safeguarding is Everybody’s Business The multi agency Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Board is running a campaign to raise awareness about adult safeguarding in Buckinghamshire. Oxford Health NHS FT has representation on this Board and also is working together with other agencies across Buckinghamshire to help promote this campaign and raise awareness of how important safeguarding is […]

Safeguarding is Everybody’s Business

The multi agency Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Board is running a campaign to raise awareness about adult safeguarding in Buckinghamshire. Oxford Health NHS FT has representation on this Board and also is working together with other agencies across Buckinghamshire to help promote this campaign and raise awareness of how important safeguarding is for vulnerable adults within our local community.

Your views count!

Do you know what Safeguarding is?

Do you know what to do if you have any concerns?

We have developed a short online survey to ask your views on Safeguarding, please take a few minutes to complete the survey online at  https://bucksconsultation.buckscc.gov.uk/bucksccp/KMS/elab.aspx?noip=1&CampaignId=447 All responses are anonymous, and it would be great to have your feedback and views so we can ensure that we can deliver an effective and informative campaign plan.

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Published: 5 July 2011