Oxford Health Staff recognised in Thames Valley Health Research Awards

Congratulations to research staff from Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust who have been recognised in the Thames Valley Health Research Awards for their contribution to NHS, public health and social care research.

Image related to Oxford Health Staff recognised in Thames Valley Health Research Awards

The winners were announced at a ceremony in Reading on 25th September and the following Oxford Health staff received awards:

Outstanding PI:
Samantha Saddler, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust – winner

Exceptional Contribution to a Commercial Study:
Adult Mental Health Research Team, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust – highly commended

Outstanding Research Team Leader:
Claudia Hurducas, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust – highly commended

More than 90 nominations were made by NHS staff from across the region and the shortlist was decided by a panel of LCRN judges.

The full list of results can be found here.

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Published: 30 September 2019