Order repeat prescriptions in time for bank holiday weekend

Patients across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West are being reminded to order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time for the coming Bank Holiday weekend.

Image related to Order repeat prescriptions in time for bank holiday weekend

Over the bank holiday, on Monday 19 September, many community pharmacies and all GP surgeries will be closed, so the advice is to plan ahead and order repeat prescriptions as soon as possible before the start of the long weekend.

For people who run out of prescription medication over the break and need an emergency supply, the advice is to go to NHS 111 online who will be able to signpost how to access their medication.  A list of local pharmacies open over the bank holiday weekend can be found on the NHS website

The message is: “Help yourself stay well over the bank holiday by making sure you have enough of your medication to see you through. Order your repeat prescription well in advance, especially if you’re going away.

“If you do run out of your medication, NHS 111 online can offer advice on how to get an emergency supply. But it’s always best to be prepared.”

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Published: 12 September 2022