Make your mark on new NHS service

Do you fancy showing off your creative side, while celebrating a new service for autistic children and young people with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire?

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If you’re under 18 and live in Oxfordshire you can enter our competition to design the logo for the Autism Learning Disability and Liaison Team (ALDLT) launched by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.

We want the logo to be creative, unique and celebrate the strengths that come with difference – just like the children and young people who will be using this exciting new service.

You should:

  • Be bold, be imaginative
  • Try to make sure that your logo would look good on a website or on a letter
  • Use a design app or good old pens and paint
  • Include the team name or initials (ALDLT) in your creation
  • Send a photo or scan of your entry to by 12pm on 31 January.

And of course, we need to contact you if you win so make sure you tell us your name and age – and a bit about your design. There’s a gift voucher up for grabs for the young person who designs the logo we select for the service.

Maria Bourbon, clinical lead with the ALDLT said: “The new team challenges professionals to make the adjustments required so that the child or young person and their family are at the centre of decisions, rather than them fitting the different agencies’ processes. We link children, young people and families and carers to the support they require closer to home so that they can live fulfilling lives in their own community.”

The team and our partners will help keep young people out of hospital when this isn’t the best option for them.

That’s good news for young service users and their families – and well worth getting creative for!

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Published: 23 December 2021