How to: Digital Consultations

New video and how to guides for patients attending appointments online

Image related to How to: Digital Consultations

Additional guidance and resources have been created for NHS patients to support online consultations

These accessible guides and resources are available to anyone considering using video technology as part of an NHS consultation. They are designed to be relevant to any technology or clinical setting.

More than 170,000 digital consultations have been carried out at Oxford Health since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and the trust’s digital consultations project has been shortlisted for the IT & Digital Innovation Award in the HSJ Value Awards.

The project was set up in March 2020 to support clinicians and patients to respond to the Covid crisis. Assembled in just one week in March 2020, the project team engineered a systematic and seamless transition from face-to-face appointments to a trust-wide digital offer.

The new online consultation guides below were co-designed with clinicians, patients and the public and with input from NHS colleagues.

The patient guides were created alongside guides for NHS staff and were developed as a collaboration between Barts Health NHS Trust and Design Science with the Interdisciplinary Research In Health Sciences Group at the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Medical Science Division at the University of Oxford led by Professor Trish Greenhalgh and Professor Sara Shaw.

Watch the video and click on the links or images below to see the full guides.

Video consulting with your NHS – a quick guide for patients


Video consulting with your NHS quick guide patients







Video consulting with your NHS – Frequently asked questions for patients

Video consulting with your NHS







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Published: 25 May 2021