Free nasal spray vaccination for children aged 2 to 3

Nasal spray for children aged two and three at GP practices

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A mum is urging parents to ensure their young children have the nasal spray vaccine to protect them against flu. Lizzie Moore’s two year old daughter, Sif, was given the nasal spray vaccine at her GP practice in Cowley, Oxford in October.

Lizzie said: “I was pleased at how quick and painless the nasal spray vaccination was for Sif. The practice nurse was very reassuring and the actual procedure was over in seconds.  Sif was very proud to have had her ‘tickle medicine’, and told all her friends about it.”

Lizzie added: “The vaccine will help protect Sif against flu this winter, as I know flu can make young children very unwell. I’d really encourage other parents of two and three year olds to take them for their nasal spray flu vaccination when their GP offers it.”

This year, the vaccination is given as a nasal spray for children aged two and three at GP practices and for children aged four to nine at schools by health nurses.


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Published: 25 October 2018