Diabetic patients and other patients in ‘at risk’ groups’ urged to have free Flu Vaccine

With the festive and New Year period upon us, GPs and Pharmacists are still urging the public to have the flu vaccine.

Image related to Diabetic patients and other patients in ‘at risk’ groups’ urged to have free Flu Vaccine

Although the temperatures are generally mild, the Flu virus is circulating, and people who have not been vaccinated will continue to be at risk of developing the unpleasant symptoms.

High risk groups

It’s particularly important for anyone in the higher risk groups, including:

  • Patients with diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Anyone whose immunity is reduced for example, people with cancer.
  • Patients aged 65 and over
  • Pregnant women
  • Two and three year olds
  • Children up to school year 5 are also urged to have the free vaccine.

Patient with diabetes at risk of developing serious complications 

Patients with diabetes for example, are more at risk of developing serious complications arising from a flu infection. Complications can include pneumonia, inflammation of the heart, brain and muscle tissues and even multi-organ failure.

Clinicians advise that even patients whose diabetes is well managed should still have the flu vaccine. Individuals with diabetes are at much greater risk of developing potentially life-threatening complications if they develop flu than people with no underlying health conditions.

Elevated blood glucose levels, which occur as a natural response to fighting infection, can if left untreated become a serious risk to diabetic patients.

Not only can high blood glucose cause symptoms such as tiredness and increased thirst and make it harder for the body to fight infection, it can also increase ketone production, which prevents other areas of the body from functioning properly.

Symptoms of rising ketone levels include vomiting, abdominal pain and shortness of breath. These could be disguised by the flu infection and risk going untreated, which could lead to coma and even death in extreme cases.

Dr Shahed Ahmad, NHS England Medical Director for Hampshire and the Thames Valley said: “It really is important for patients with diabetes to make sure they have the free flu vaccine. Having the vaccine is the best way of protecting yourself from contracting the flu virus, and to minimise the risk of developing more serious complications.”

Patients with diabetes can have the vaccine free of charge, via their GP surgery or local community pharmacy. Patients should have the vaccine as soon as possible before the flu virus takes more of a hold in the community.

Contact our community diabetes team for further advice and support.

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Published: 19 December 2018