Consultation on Oxfordshire’s healthcare services

A public consultation on proposals for the future delivery of healthcare services in Oxfordshire is going ahead in two phases.

Image related to Consultation on Oxfordshire’s healthcare services

UPDATE: More public events added. See the Oxfordshire Healthcare Transformation Programme for latest dates.

A public consultation on proposals for the future delivery of healthcare services in Oxfordshire is going ahead in two phases.

Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group is leading a formal consultation on the proposals which have been developed as part of the Oxfordshire Transformation Programme.

The first phase of this consultation runs for three months from 16 January 2017. It focuses primarily on proposed changes to services provided by our colleagues at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH). A second phase of consultation due later in the year will include services provided by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust:

The first phase consultation will look at:

  • the use of OUH hospital beds at and moving more care out of hospital and closer to home
  • planned care at the Horton General Hospital including tests and outpatient care
  • acute stroke services in Oxfordshire
  • critical care at the Horton General Hospital
  • maternity services for women in north Oxfordshire and options for the future delivery of maternity services at the Horton General Hospital, including obstetrics, and  the Special Care Baby Unit

It was decided that a two-stage consultation process was necessary to allow for additional work to develop the options for Emergency Departments and emergency care services, community hospitals, children’s services, and maternity services and midwifery-led units in Oxfordshire.  These proposals will be consulted on in phase 2.

This consultation and the work of the Oxfordshire Transformation Programme is a major part of Oxfordshire’s contribution to the wider Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) for Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and West Berkshire (known as BOB STP), one of 44 STPs being developed across the country to support the delivery of the NHS Five Year Forward View.

How to have your say 

Events are being held across the county where the public can hear more about the proposals and share their views.  Further information on these and the wider consultation is available from:

The public can also provide feedback by completing an online survey via the Talking Health public involvement service. Register and complete the online survey at or email

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Published: 18 January 2017