Congratulations to Mark and Gary

The lucky winners in the HealthFest membership prize draw are Mark Taylor from Oxford and Gary Williams from Didcot.

Image related to Congratulations to Mark and Gary

Both received a £50 high street voucher of their choice. The draw was run among everyone who signed up as a member of the trust at HealthFest on Saturday, September 14.

Mark (pictured above) spent the whole day at HealthFest, volunteering for one of the exhibitors, Arts at the Old Fire Station, and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

“I went around pretty much every stand. There was a lot of information and everyone was very engaging, even if the topic wasn’t exactly something for me. I also had a health check done – the results of which were a relief!” he said.

He also enjoyed the entertainment by at the marquee which had performers all day, from classical music to jazz and break dance.

As a member of Oxford Health Mark would be happy to volunteer for the trust activities if his other commitments allow.

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Published: 24 September 2019