CAMHS School In-Reach team win June’s Exceptional People Team Award

Three cheers for the CAMHS School In-Reach team who are the worthy winners of June’s Exceptional People Team Award – the fantastic early intervention service support young people to navigate their way through some of the toughest challenges.

Image related to CAMHS School In-Reach team win June’s Exceptional People Team Award

Pictured above at the presentation are members of the CAMHS School In-Reach team, Chief Executive Officer Grant Macdonald, Clinical Lead Emma Hyde who nominated the team, Governor Kate England and Executive Director of Strategy & Partnerships Amelie Bages.

The CAMHS School In-Reach team delivers group sessions to young people in secondary schools, supporting their emotional and mental health needs. The early intervention service works at a pre-referral level with selected secondary schools in Oxfordshire. They run awareness sessions for parents on various mental health themes to support their children around managing their anxiety, or with their self-harm or resilience.

The team were nominated for the care they provide and their increased confidence when working with various mental health challenges, young people, and parents.

Chief Executive Officer Grant Macdonald congratulated the team for their nomination and acknowledge the importance of the care they provide to young people in our communities.

Supporting schools, students and loved ones

The team take huge pride in the care and support they give through the groups around connections & friendships, resilience, self-esteem, anxiety management. They deliver assemblies and support schools with additional student sessions, always putting the needs of the individuals they support at the heart of the service.

The team provide second to none training through awareness sessions, helping parents on various mental health themes to better manage their child’s specific requirements.

The nomination

The team receive incredible feedback about the quality and experience of their sessions delivered to young people, who get enjoyment from the groups they provide.

School staff and parents are delighted with the content, how useful it is and the high standard of teaching. One schoolteacher commented:

“I have found all the sessions excellent – they have been informative, and it feels like the team understand the difficulties we face in the classroom in terms of time, budget and personnel. The fact that the sessions are repeated during the school day has meant that all our teaching assistants are also able to attend the training.”

Young people said:

“It helped me be nicer to myself and to others. I have been able to control my anger in better ways.”

“I liked how chill this course is. I was very nervous to go into it, but it was nice, and I felt safe.”

“I like how it has helped me connect with myself more and to understand others.”

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Published: 20 July 2023