Bucks Safe Haven

For adults in crisis in Buckinghamshire

Image related to Bucks Safe Haven

People experiencing mental health crisis can now self-refer to additional out-of-hours support in Buckinghamshire.

Bucks Mind has recently expanded its Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust partnership with the launch of Safe Haven support service in Aylesbury.

Safe Haven provides out-of-hours support on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings 6.30pm to 12am with the last entry at 11pm.

It is available to service users experiencing mental health crisis who need a safe and supportive environment as an alternative to A&E. It is staffed by Bucks Mind workers and supported by clinicians from Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.

Staff aim to create a supportive setting where service users can receive emotional support, plan how to keep themselves safe and be signposted to appropriate community based services.

Safe Haven is not a drop-in service.

If you are an adult in crisis in Buckinghamshire please call Bucks Safe Haven first to see if they can hold a place for you on 07508 350553.

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Published: 25 October 2018