During the coronavirus outbreak we are facing a tragic loss of lives, often under very difficult circumstances. Being bereaved can be a lonely time and being physically isolated from family and friends can make it more difficult.
Support and advice is available.
There are no right or wrong ways to feel. In the aftermath of a death it is common for emotions to change very quickly, like stormy weather. Most people experience a whole range of different emotions at different times. You may have times when you feel you have more energy and your grief is not consuming.
Being bereaved and coping with grief during the coronavirus outbreak is different to coping in normal circumstances in important ways. Your emotions may be more intense or more changeable because of these additional stresses. You may find you feel more of a sense of community and empathy from other people, as many people will be going through a similar experience.
You can find more information and advice about bereavement in the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust’s leaflet ‘Coping with Coronavirus Bereavement’, part of a series to support people with their mental wellbeing at this time.
Support during your bereavement journey
In Buckinghamshire
Buckinghamshire charities, NHS and local authority partners are working together to offer bereavement support across the county.
- Cruse Bereavement Care Bucks offers support to anyone suffering loss by death and can be contacted on 01494 511117 alternatively the National Hotline 0808 808 1677 or visit www.cruse.org.uk
- Child Bereavement UK offers support for families and professionals when a child of any age dies or when a child grieves. Please call 01494 569051 or email bucksfamilysupport@childbereavementuk.org
- Information and live chat on the website: www.childbereavementuk.org or 0800 028 8840 for the helpline.
- Bereavement Listening and Support Service offers bereavement support to anyone registered with a Buckinghamshire GP (based at Florence Nightingale Hospice). Please call: 01296 332600
- South Bucks Counselling offers support In High Wycombe and South Bucks area for adults faced with bereavement: 01494 440199 or www.southbuckscounselling.org
- Relate offers counselling support to individuals, couples and families where relationships have been affected by grief and loss: www.relatemtb.co.uk or 01296 427973
- Buckinghamshire MIND provides counselling to adults with a wide range of mental health needs including bereavement. We also support adults, children/young people and families who have lost someone to suicide or suspected suicide. Please call 01494 463364 or visit www.bucksmind.org.uk
- Lindengate@Home is for anyone who is suffering with the effects of COVID-19 or social isolation: 01296 622443 or www.lindengate.org.uk
If you are supporting someone through a bereavement, you may find the following links useful:
- Cruse Bereavement – coronavirus and dealing with bereavement and grief during coronavirus.
- Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust provides NHS mental health services in Buckinghamshire for children, adults and older adults. These services will be helpful for those experiencing complex grief or trauma. Contact the 24/7 Mental Health Helpline on:
01865 904997 (adults/older adults)
01865 904998 (children/young people) - For adults feeling low, anxious or stressed, call Healthy Minds on 01865 901600 or visit:
In Oxfordshire
Cruse Oxfordshire offers support to anyone suffering loss by death and can be contacted on 01865 245398
Age UK Oxfordshire: A Bereavement Support Guide
National support
- Compassionate Friends is a charitable organisation dedicated to the support and care of bereaved family members: 0345 123 2304 or www.tcf.org.uk
- Independent Age provides information and advice on a range of subjects including welfare, legal and financial help: 0800 319 6789 or www.independentage.org/information/personal-life/when-someone-dies
- Marie Curie provides information on a range of issues including practical, legal and financial. Please call 0800 090 2309 or visit
- www.mariecurie.org.uk/help/support/supportdirectory/bereavement-support/coping
- At a Loss has a website with useful bereavement resources: www.ataloss.org
For emotional and practical support following suicide:
- www.gov.uk/government/news/you-are-not-alone-help-is-at-hand-for-anyone-bereaved-by-suicide
- or
- www.supportaftersuicide.org.uk/support-guides/finding-the-words/
When someone in the UK dies, information about what needs to happen next can be found at www.gov.uk/after-a-death.
Published: 13 May 2020