The OVAAT study currently being run by the CAMHS NDC pathway, is still looking for participants to help assess a new diagnostic tool.
The diagnostic tool was developed during lockdown so that autism assessments for children and young people could continue. The diagnostic tool includes aspects not covered in other autism assessment tools such as children and young people’s inner world and experiences. The diagnostic tool continues to be refined and evaluated as it is known that some children and young people prefer online interactions, as well as presenting an opportunity to help with ‘hard to reach’ young people.
If you or someone you know is:
- aged between 13-18
- living in the UK and fluent in English
- neurotypical – meaning you do not have a diagnosis or characteristics of Autism, ADHD, Tourette’s, Tic Disorder, Learning Disability or Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN), or another neuro developmental condition.
- is not experiencing a psychological, emotional or mental health problem at the moment
- has access to a laptop or desktop
- has time to complete a questionnaire and take part in an online assessment
The OVAAT study team would like to hear from you.
E-mail address is:
Recruitment for the OVAAT study is now open running for the foreseeable future.
Published: 5 April 2024