Artist joins OSRU Ward to celebrate Nutrition Week

Artist Dionne Freeman joined Oxfordshire Stroke Rehabilitation Unit in Nutrition and Hydration Week to encourage patients to create some yummy artwork.

Image related to Artist joins OSRU Ward to celebrate Nutrition Week

Dionne worked alongside staff, including occupational therapists and dietitians at Abingdon Community Hospital to make some pieces inspired by healthy eating.

Teams across Oxford Health use Nutrition and Hydration Week to help highlight how eating and drinking well can improve the health and happiness of everyone.

One patient on OSRU created bananas made of felt and commented: “My artwork will remind me to eat more bananas, which I have been told to do!”

There are lots of useful resources available online where you can find quick and easy advice to help boost your diet. Have a look at:

Food Facts (

Live Well, Eat Well

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Published: 18 March 2022