2022 online workshops for carers in Bucks available – book now

Carers in Buckinghamshire are now able to access virtual workshops in the new year.

Image related to 2022 online workshops for carers in Bucks available – book now

Following the success of the seminars throughout 2021 the Oxford Health Carer Assessment team in Buckinghamshire are offering a further four online workshops under the theme of ‘Living Together.’.

Julie Dale, Associate Head of Social Care, said: “We are pleased to present the New Year Online Carers Workshops for mental health carers who support patients under the community mental health teams in Buckinghamshire.

“The next set of courses are highly recommended for starting the new year with a clear focus, coping strategies and a positive outlet. This is an opportunity for carers, family and friends to meet others in similar circumstances and gain information and insight in how to cope with their caring role which in turn helps the recovery of their loved ones.”

The workshops are provided for carers of service users who are currently under the care of Bucks Mental Health Teams.

Upcoming seminars

The workshops will run from 10am to 12pm on Microsoft Teams and cover the following topics:

Managing Stress and Coping as a Carer

Thursday 20 January 2022

Trainer: Robert Corteen


Understanding Low Motivation and Difficult Behaviours

Thursday 17 February 2022

Trainer: Robert Corteen


Change and Recovery – Moving On

Thursday 10 March 2022

Trainer: Robert Corteen


Understanding Autism

Thursday 3 February 2022

Trainer: Simon Tarrant, Reasonable Adjustment Service for People with Learning Disability and Autism

See the carers leaflet for further information.

Book now

Due to the high demand, new carers will be given priority to attend the online seminars.

You can apply by emailing CarersTeam@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk with your name, telephone number and the course(s) you would like to attend. Written email confirmation will be sent to you with joining instructions for the online session(s) you wish to attend.

Alternatively, or if you have any questions, please contact the Oxford Health Carer Assessment Team on 01865 901513.


As a Bucks carer you can also access the Family, Friends and Carers’ Virtual Support Group which allows you connect with other carers in a supportive environment come and chat with other family members, friends, carers and staff every last Wednesday of the Month 11.00 am to 12.30 pm via MS Teams.

For further information about this group contact Di Hilson, Carer Involvement Lead on 07775 816646.

Please keep an eye on our dedicated carers page which has lots of useful information you can access at any time.

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Published: 20 December 2021