Join Oxford Health at the Bicester Town Discovery Walk on 5 July

Oxford Health to join Healthy Bicester and Mayor Sean Gaul on Thursday, 5 July to launch the Bicester Town Centre Discovery Walk.

Image related to Join Oxford Health at the Bicester Town Discovery Walk on 5 July

To celebrate the 70th birthday of the NHS, the Bicester Community Hospital and Oxford Health Dentistry teams will be joining Healthy Bicester and Mayor Sean Gaul on Thursday, 5 July to launch the Bicester Town Centre Discovery Walk.

The event begins at 12:30pm and will include stalls and information booths from various local businesses. All members of the public are welcome to join in the walk to show their support for a healthier lifestyle and to celebrate the NHS.

Text saying 'Bicester Town Centre Discovery Walk'

For more information on the event and how to participate, read the Discovery Walk launch invitation.

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Published: 25 June 2018