Your services

We have a range of services to support people affected by dementia, as well as their families: see below for a full list.

Knowing a few simple things about a person helps clinicians provide personalised care, so we have developed a ‘Knowing Me‘ patient passport, which travels with the patient through their care. Find out more about how the Knowing Me patient passport project came about at Oxford Health.

We also support family, friends and people providing care for someone else: find out more on our dedicated family, friends and carers page.

For people concerned about their memory problems

Memory Services
GPs will refer patient under 65 experiencing memory or other cognitive problems to the Oxford University Hospitals Cognitive Disorders Clinic.

Our memory services usually work with people who are over 65, who are worried that their poor memory may be a sign of dementia.

Find out more on the dedicated memory services pages.

For support with mental health concerns

Community Mental Health Teams

Older Adult Community Mental Health Teams: These teams provide support to people with dementia, where more specialist or intensive care is needed. The team includes doctors, nurses, psychologists, occupational therapists and social workers, but everybody has specialist training in caring for people with dementia, and they work closely with other services such as GP surgeries, care agencies and the voluntary sector, and they  also support families, carers and loved ones.

Find out more on the community mental health team page.

Inpatient Older Adult Mental Health Wards



For support with physical health concerns

Integrated Locality Teams
These teams in Oxfordshire focus on providing physical health care in the community, with some mental health and social care support available too. The teams include district nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, mental health practitioners, liaison social workers, and support workers too.

Note that you cannot self-refer yourself to these services: your GP or other healthcare practitioner can refer you to this team.

Find out more out our integrated locality teams.

Urgent care & Hospital at Home
These services provide a variety of levels of support for people who do not need to be in hospitals long-term:

You can find equivalent services for Buckinghamshire at the Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust website.

Community Hospitals

All clinical staff at our community hospitals have had specialist training on supporting the individual needs of patients with a diagnosis of dementia.

Support for people living in care homes

Care Home Support Service

The care home support service team work directly with care homes across Oxfordshire to support people with both physical and mental health needs.

Find out more in our leaflet.

Community Dental Services

Dental treatment

The Oxfordshire Community Dental Service cares for people with dementia who may find ordinary dental practices are not right for their needs: oral hygiene can becomes more challenging with the onset of dementia, and this can lead to a rapid deterioration in oral health.

Seeing a dentist in the early stages of dementia early can avoid preventable oral health issues developing. Patients need to be referred to this service by a health and social care professional.

Find out more about  Oxfordshire’s Community Dental Service,  and the ecquivalent service in Buckinghamshire .

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