Medic Support takes confidentiality very seriously. We are aware that this is important to everyone seeking help from professionals, but that it is often particularly important to those who work as health professionals themselves.
We are a very small team of clinicians and we have administrative support from one regular administrator, with occasional additional admin support to cover leave.
We do not share information with others (such as your GP, educators, or occupational health) unless this is with your consent, necessary for your safety or that of others, or if we are required to by law (eg child protection). We would always aim to inform you about this in advance of sharing any information with third parties.
Health records
We need information about you to help us provide your healthcare and services. We also use your anonymised information for audit purposes, for example for reporting on the activity of the service.
Information about you is used only by Medic Support staff. This is an important aspect of the care you receive and the information is kept securely in an electronic record system.
Although a limited number of other psychological therapists and administrators have access to the same system, the authority to access your record will be limited to the Medic Support staff. For additional reassurance, we carry out regular audits to check for unauthorised access.
The Trust is required to use your information in accordance with the law and use it for healthcare or healthcare related purposes only. The Trust has produced a leaflet called ‘Your Rights and Your Health Record’ which gives a fuller explanation of how we use your information.
Access to records
You can apply for access to your records but this must be in writing. The application form is available on the Trust’s website
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Health Records Department
Littlemore Mental Health Centre
White Building
Sandford Road
Phone: 01865 325 660
Oxford Health Foundation Trust’s full privacy notice can be reviewed at
Page last reviewed: 27 October, 2023