Getting help

Am I eligible?

If you are a doctor, dentist or pharmacist in postgraduate training (irrespective of stage or specialty) working in Thames Valley (Oxford Deanery) with a Thames Valley training number, then you are eligible for our service.

Can graduates on the Medical Training Initiative (MTI) scheme access Medic Support?

Yes, any doctor in postgraduate training within Thames Valley is eligible for our service, including those here on MTI with an up-to-date Certificate of Sponsorship.

Do you see consultants / fully qualified healthcare professionals?

No. Medic Support is only commissioned to work with doctors, dentists and pharmacists in postgraduate training.

If you have already completed training, please see our ‘Signposting’ or ‘Find a Therapist’ tabs for information on other resources you can access.

How do I get help?

You can refer yourself, or you can be referred by a colleague such as an educational supervisor, or occupational health physician, with your consent.

Do you accept GP referrals?

We are happy to accept referrals from GPs, educators and other healthcare professionals and agencies acting on your behalf, with your consent.

If you would like to discuss a possible referral, please contact us.

What if I’m in urgent need of help?

Medic Support is not a crisis service. If you are in crisis or feel unsafe or at risk to yourself or others, then you should contact 111/999, your own GP or attend your nearest Emergency Department/A&E as soon as  possible.

The NHS help for suicidal thoughts webpage includes phone and text lines, plus tips for coping in a crisis.

The Samaritans: 0161 236 8000 (local call charges apply) or 116 123 (free to call) can also provide confidential support and are open 24 hours a day.

The following links may provide additional support:

Confidentiality & health records

Who will know I have contacted Medic Support?

No-one will know that you have contacted us unless you choose to tell them.

We do not share information with others (such as your GP, educators, or occupational health) unless this is with your consent, necessary for your safety or that of others, or if we are required to by law (eg child protection).

Please see our confidentiality policy for further details.

Will my NHS colleagues be able to see my notes?

No. We need to keep information about you to help us provide the best possible care for you. The information you provide is kept on a secure electronic clinical recording system. This system is separate from the one used by your GP and other organisations. Only Medic Support staff will routinely have access to this information.

At what point will an electronic patient record be created?

No electronic patient record is created unless you disclose personal information to us. We can explain the support we offer and how we store personal data before you share anything personal with us. You can then choose whether you wish to proceed with making a self-referral. Simply send a ‘general enquiry about confidentiality’ to our email inbox

All about treatment

Is there a cost?

No. Medic Support is free of charge.

How do I refer myself for therapy?

You can refer yourself directly:

It is usually helpful to start with a brief phone call where we can discuss the problems you are experiencing and consider the appropriateness of psychological therapy.

How long will I have to wait for an appointment?

It will usually be possible to offer you a therapy appointment within 4-6 weeks of your initial contact, often much sooner depending on factors such as your work/domestic commitments and the availability of our clinicians.

Will I be seen by the same therapist I initially spoke to?

Not necessarily. Our clinicians do not hold individual waiting lists. We will contact you with the first available appointment we can offer, according to which clinician has availability.

However, if you have worked with a particular clinician in the past and have a preference to see them again, we will take that into consideration.

What happens when I am offered an appointment?

We will contact you by email as soon as your name reaches the top of our waiting list and offer you an online or in-person appointment (depending on your preference) at a time convenient to you.

Ahead of each appointment, you will be sent a link to our routine clinical questionnaires, which we ask everyone to complete during their contact with us.

These help us with our assessment of how best to help you and provide a way to track your progress and hopefully note improvement in your situation. If you have consented to receiving SMS text messages from us, we will send you a link to complete the questionnaires ahead of each appointment. If you prefer to receive the link by email then we will be happy to do this.

What happens in the first therapy session?

We will explore your needs in more detail, understand how your problems have developed and what is maintaining them, as well as introducing you to a range of evidence-based strategies to help you make positive changes.

We will talk about your hopes and expectations for therapy and agree a treatment plan based on your goals and the changes you wish to make. We will work with you as a team towards improving your situation.

Talking and reflection are necessary and healing components of good therapy, but these alone may not be sufficient to bring about lasting change. You will need to take action.

Therefore, we will encourage you to actively apply your new learning/coping skills outside therapy, as research shows that people who practice news ways of behaving between sessions, have the most positive therapeutic outcomes.

How long is a therapy session and how many will I need?

Therapy sessions are usually 60 minutes. The frequency will depend on your schedule and the plan you have made with your therapist.

Medic Support specialises in providing brief, therapeutic interventions (up to 6 sessions).

The precise number of sessions you need depends on the nature and on your willingness to work on issues between sessions.

In general, the more you apply evidence-based methods outside the sessions, the fewer sessions you will need.

For complex issues, it may be necessary to work over a longer period. If we think that you would benefit from this we will signpost you to longer-term support elsewhere.

What days do you work and do you offer evening/weekend appointments?

We offer appointments Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm.

Earlier or later appointments are occasionally possible.

We offer predominantly online appointments but some in-person appointments are available at the Warneford Hospital in Oxford.

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Page last reviewed: 23 May, 2024