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Oxford Health Library Services
Effective, Efficient, Innovative

Primary Care Networks

One of the key areas of work outlined by the NHS Long Term Plan is to provide more funding for health services in local communities, giving people more timely access to more services close to where they live. In primary care the funding will increase the number of healthcare staff working in and with GP practices including more GPs, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, paramedics, physician associates and social prescribing link workers. The finance for these posts, and development of Integrated Care Services, will be managed through Primary Care Networks (PCNs).

PCNs are groups of general practices working closely together, with other primary and community care staff and health and care organisations, providing integrated services to their local populations. From April 2019, the BMA’s GP committee and NHS England have agreed a Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service Network Agreement to fund and support, individual GP practices to establish/ join PCNs covering populations of between 30,000 to 50,000 in England.

Follow the development of PCNs (including FAQs, podcasts and webinars)  from NHS England or updates from the BMA GPC. 

Published: 20 May 2019