Pressures on GPs have never been greater …

“At a time when the pressures on GPs have never been greater, we need to extend the local practitioner health programmes that have been shown to help GPs stay healthy and get back to work when sick.”
Simon Stevens, September 2015

A new nationally-specified occupational health service for GPs suffering from burnout and stress, to be delivered in partnership with the RCGP and BMA GPC, is being launched as part of a major drive for improved NHS staff health.

While Occupational Health services are available, these have varying levels of follow-up services depending on local arrangements by CCGs. So, a national service spec for procurement is being developed for April 2016. This will be supported by specialist services for doctors building successful programmes around the country.

Spearheaded by leading NHS organisations in partnership with NHS Employers and Public Health England, NHS England is investing £5m in an initiative to help staff stay well. Right now, mental health issues and musculoskeletal problems are the two biggest causes of sickness absence across the NHS

Simon Stevens said: “NHS staff have some of the most critical but demanding jobs in the country. When it comes to supporting the health of our own workforce, frankly the NHS needs to put its own house in order.

 Sue Lacey Bryant
Primary Care Workforce Development Tutor

Reference: £5million plan to improve the health of NHS staff, NHS England 2 September 2015

Published: 21 September 2015