Join the Q community

The Health Foundation, together with Oxford AHSN, are looking for people with health and care improvement expertise to join Q – an initiative connecting people who have health and care improvement expertise across the UK.

The Q community is made of up a diverse range of people including those at the front line of health and social care, patient leaders, managers, commissioners, researchers, policymakers, and others. Read more about the Q Community here:

Those interested in joining Q will need to demonstrate knowledge and experience of improvement and reflect on how they can benefit and contribute to the community. As a colleague working in quality improvement in our region, we are encouraging you to consider applying.

In addition to the opportunities afforded by the Health Foundation, such as free training days and site visits to explore how other organisations focus on their service users to deliver excellent quality, how they work with complexity and how they build the relational skills required to improve services; Q members in the Oxford AHSN region will have access to:

  • Networking events for the group throughout the year (first welcome event 31st January 2018)
  • Access to QI resources and coaching
  • Opportunities for collaboration on system wide improvement initiatives.

You will be applying as an individual; it is free to join and there is no minimum commitment, however as with all networks you get out of it what you put in.

Opportunities for people working or volunteering in the Oxford AHSN region (Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes) to join a new Q community are open until 11 September 2017. Apply here.

Published: 8 August 2017