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Effective, Efficient, Innovative

Oxford Health Library Services
Effective, Efficient, Innovative

Help your patients with low back pain

The Back Skills Training (BeST) programme is based on helping to “undo” many of the beliefs people have about low back pain, and provides skills to become more active, despite pain. It is a cognitive behavioural skills approach shown to produce long term reductions in people’s pain and disability.

You can learn about BeST through the FutureLearn elearning course. The free six week course is accredited by the British Psychological Society and covers:

  • The nature and cause of persistent low back pain.
  • The cognitive behavioural approach.
  • Exercise and activity for low back pain.
  • How thoughts and feelings can influence pain.
  • Pain management skills.

The next course starts on 15 July 2019. Sign up on the FutureLearn website.

Published: 30 May 2019