General Practice Forward View
The General Practice Forward View sets out “a new direction and opportunity to demonstrate what a strengthened model of general practice can provide to patients, those who work in the service, and for the sustainability of the wider NHS.” The plan contains specific, practical and funded steps to grow and develop workforce, drive efficiencies in workload and relieve demand, modernise infrastructure and technology, and support local practices to redesign the way modern primary care is offered to patients.
The GP Forward View details action to double the growth rate in GPs through new incentives for training, recruitment, retention and return to practice; sets out a new practice resilience programme; proposes upgrades to practice premises; signals practical support for individual practices and for federations and super-partnerships; direct funding for improved in hours and out of hours access, including clinical hubs and reformed urgent care; and a new voluntary GP contract supporting integrated primary and community health services.
In particular a new national three year ‘Time for Care’ development programme will help release up to 10% of GPs’ time, improve value for patients and build more sustainable practices. This will build on the actionable learning of the best innovations across the country, 10 High Impact Actions, learning from the GP Access Fund and Vanguard sites, local action learning collaboratives to support practices to make implement new ways of working and free training and coaching for clinicians and managers to lead effective change rapidly and confidently.
- Read the blog by Zoe Berry on implications for GPNs.
- Watch the animation created by NHS England
- Read the RCGP assessment of progress on the key commitments after one year.
Published: 19 July 2017