Core Principles for CPD

The General Medical Council defines continuing professional development (CPD) as “ any learning outside of undergraduate education or postgraduate training that helps you maintain and improve your performance. It covers the development of your knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours across all areas of your professional practice.” (GMC. CPD Guidance for all Doctors, 2012)

We know that excellent health care professionals never stop learning and developing and most staff attend professional development activities throughout their working year. With time and resources stretched it is important for them to consider the CPD that they are pursuing so that it meets both their personal and professional needs.

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges have written a series of reports and guidance on the topic of CPD, the most recent Core Principles for CPD which outlines the responsibilities of the individual, the employer, of reflection, annual appraisal and documentation.

Other titles look at the guidance framework, standards and criteria, and effectiveness.

You can read all of the reports on the AOMRC website here

Maggie Woods,
Associate GP Dean, Health Education England Thames Valley

Published: 18 August 2016