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Oxford Health Library Services
Effective, Efficient, Innovative

Community centered approaches to health improvement e-learning

Public Health England (PHE) has worked with partners to produce a new e-learning for health (e-LfH) programme on community-centred approaches to health improvement.  Two  modules, based on A guide to community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing by PHE and NHS England, have been developed:
  • Module 1 covers the background evidence and theory on why this is important and what approaches work.
  • Module 2 involves practical exercises to apply the knowledge into  your own work and enable you to make strategic and practical plans for taking community-centred approaches forward within your organisation.

All NHS Staff can access this package through their e-LfH account.

Take a look at the other person centred care learning resources available to you.

Published: 11 December 2017