BMJ Best Practice available to all NHS staff
BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision support tool. It gives healthcare professionals quick and easy access to authoritative information to underpin diagnosis and treatment decisions. Updated daily, it is fully accredited by the RCGP, drawing on the latest evidence-based research, guidelines and expert opinion to offer step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention.
Health Education England has agreed a new partnership with the BMJ to provide BMJ Best Practice to the whole of the NHS workforce in England online and offline via an app.
Read more about BMJ Best Practice or visit and log on using your NHS OpenAthens ID. Once logged in, create a personal account to download the app.
As well as BMJ Best Practice an NHS Open Athens account gives you access to a range of tools including bibliographic databases, full text journals and elearning resources. For help contact your local NHS library and knowledge service:
Published: 13 April 2019