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Effective, Efficient, Innovative

Primary care development zone


The RCGP Cancer Care Library  from the RCGP, Macmillan Cancer Support and Cancer Research UK provides educational resources and guidelines on cancer care that are relevant to GPs and other primary healthcare professionals including prevention and diagnosis.

Cancer Research UK (CRUK) resources for primary care professionals

  • CRUK GP Contract hub – Signposting to evidence-based practical resources, training and further support to help GP practices and PCNs deliver on their GP contract requirements for the early diagnosis of cancer.
  • A collection of learning and support resources includes self-directed and bite-size learning, a GP Trainer Hub, tailored help for GP practices and a COVID-19 central resources hub all of CRUK resources and further materials to help with managing the pandemic.
  • The Talk Cancer programme aims to give you the confidence and ‘know-how’ to have more effective conversations about cancer and prevention, and separate cancer myths from facts and encourage healthy lifestyle changes.
  • CRUK publish a range of publications for different primary care healthcare professionals including posters and Cancer Insights (Cancer and obesity, Sun and skin caner, Smoking cessation)

GatewayC is a free online cancer education platform developed for primary care professionals across England, aiming to improve cancer outcomes by facilitating earlier diagnosis and improving patient experience. The platform includes:

  • GatewayC Cancer Maps – an interactive reference tool for GPs based on the NICE NG12 cancer guidelines. Primarily, the tool is designed to enable GPs to take symptoms that patients present with during a consultation and map them on possible suspected cancer pathways.
  • Free interactive online courses, RCGP  accredited and developed by GPs and other specialists.  All courses are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect new clinical guidance, with new modules in development for other cancers.

Cancer in the community – an  an e-learning programme from the Royal Marsden in collaboration with HEE South London aimed at community based workers, providing an overview of the key issues in cancer care which will inspire them to support clients before, during and after cancer is diagnosed.

Cancer Care  a 15 week, part time level 6 / 7  short course run by Bucks New University.

Leukemia Care GP Learning free online learning and training modules designed to support GPs in recognising the symptoms of a blood cancer to aid early diagnosis and stay up-to-date on the latest blood cancer information.

Prostate Cancer UK offer educational opportunities for health and social care professionals of all disciplines interested in prostate disease, including courses, webinars and elearning.

Some useful toolkits

The  Quality Improvement Scheme  Toolkit for primary care  from Thames Valley Cancer Alliance is for all GP practice team members and includes best practice guidance and interventions which can be applied within your practice to help increase screening uptake (for breast, bowel and cervical) and support improvements in cancer diagnosis via the 2ww pathway.

The Consequences of Cancer toolkit from the RCGP with Macmillan Cancer Support is part of an RCGP Spotlight Project which aims to raise awareness of the consequences of cancer and its treatment in primary care. The toolkit brings together best practice advice, clinical guidance, resources for patients and CPD resources.

Page last reviewed: 27 November, 2020