Intensive Support Team
The Intensive Support Team (IST) is a multidisciplinary team who supports adults and children with a learning disability and behaviours that are described as challenging or complex. Those accessing the service present with a complexity of need and challenging behaviour which cannot be safely managed by the person themselves, their family, support provider and/or the Community Learning Disability Teams or the CAMHS Learning Disability Team.
The Intensive Support Team provides focused support for complex needs through specialist assessment, intervention, care and support strategies. Care co-ordination occurs by working closely with service users, their carers and families, and a range of non-statutory and statutory partners including housing, care support, primary and secondary healthcare.
The Intensive Support Team works with people for a short and focused period of time. The work is person-centered and aims to understand the needs and functions of the behavior the person maybe presenting. The Intensive Support Team centers their work towards delivering highly individualized programs of care and support which is built upon positive behaviour support. By aiming to enhance individuals’ quality of life, the IST aim to reduce unnecessary admissions to assessment and treatment units or a change being required in the persons residential living.
The team includes team manager, clinical psychologist, assistant psychologist, behavioural nurses, behavioural assistant practitioners, behavioural therapist, behavioural specialist, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist and commissioning lead.
The Intensive Support Team is not a crisis or emergency intervention service. The IST provides complimentary input to the Community Learning Disability Teams or the CAMHS Learning Disability Team and a referral will be made by these services when appropriate to IST.
Contact: 01865 901419
Find out more how you can get support from our Learning Disability Teams.
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